
About me.

I grew up in a small town and was raised by a single parent. Before most, I knew the importance of teamwork, of trying your best, and the meaning of sacrifice.

Post highschool, I leveraged my team-first mentality into a 4 year collegiate baseball opportunity. Never the most gifted athlete, my success came from preparation and work ethic. Most importantly, I loved the game of baseball. I learned that if you love what you do, it’ll never feel like work.

My career began in marketing, but quickly shifted to design. I was always most interested in the “why and how” of business marketing. How a concept could be transformed into something for release, shared with others, and evolve over time.

Currently, I work as a Senior Product Designer at Highspot, a sales enablement platform. When I’m not working, I like to stay active through recreational sports, weight lifting, and running. Besides physical fitness, you can find me exploring new areas (and breweries) around the Okanagan region.